Monday, 20 May 2013

     Everybody knows about the Avatar film directed by James Cameron. The film has used some advance technology in producing the film. Previously, the old 3D technology need us to use a pair of thick glasses that have green and red colour of the lenses. However, with the technology advancement, the modern 3D technology has been developed to drag them out from their B-movie past.
   The new technology has been grabbed to be used in producing Avatar film. The team development has used computer generated imagery and advanced stereoscopic filming methods purposely to build their virtual world. According to the director, the recording of Avatar’s film was based on 70% of CGI technique. Cameron also wanted to crank up the practicality of the actors by improving the way of capturing the actors’ facial expression by using a skull cap with a camera to monitor the eyes, mouth, and the mimic of the actors’ face.
     As been discussed by the expert, motion captures makes 3D much easier not because it allows the film makers to add special effects, by it can also let them to choose the right position of the camera as they desired to. The position of the camera can be shift from one to other places by only a single click, and the system will change the viewpoint of the camera.
     However, the most advanced technology in making the Avatar film compared to others is that the creation of a virtual monitor that can allow the director to see the motion capture results in real-time instead of wasting time to wait for the computer with old-fashioned technology to provide the recorded images.
    Besides, the director also make some improvements compared to the previous film. In Avatar’s film, there were some stereoscopic cameras that each use a pair of lenses built to mimic human eyes. The stereoscopic cameras can allow the film maker to capture two images at the same time which can provide the illusion of depth.
    The common technologies in producing 3D film are Bolt, Coraline, and Polar Express. Nevertheless, there are some technologies improvement in making the 3D film, the audience need also to wear a pair of polarized glasses which is looks  like a common glasses. 



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